Friday, September 26, 2008

September 21st

When I asked the boys where they wanted their birthday party this year, Cameron and Charlie both said Pump It Up and Nicholas said bowling. Well when you are a triplet you learn the 2/3 rule early in life and you have to go with the vote that has 2. So I booked a party at Pump It Up. The only available time was 4:45 on Sunday afternoon. This worked out well since Richard could not get off work. We decided to serve pizza, cupcakes and ice cream. So we invited all their friends from preschool and they each got to invite one friend from their current class. Pump It Up has always been a favorite of ours and it extremely fun for the adults and children. That is until some breaks their arm - yep I said breaks their arm. Who could it be other than one of the birthday boys themselves - Cameron. Such a strong boy he did not want to leave the party so he just nursed his arm until the party ended and then he and I ran off to the hospital for x-rays and a splint. Now I guess this is one of those moments that we will always remember that Cameron broke his arm at his 6th birthday party. Oh how I wish I had gone with Nicholas's idead of bowling!

Cameron Sliding!
Charlie getting off the slide in his own style!
Richard Zach and Andy
Kristi and Lori
When Cameron broke his arm!!
Mommy holding Cameron
The party kids!
Cameron in the throne... holding ice on his arm
The kids enjoying pizza
The individual birthday cakes
We need stock in these things
Happy Birthday to Charlie!
Happy Birthday to Nicholas!
Happy Birthday Cameron!
The Birthday Boys