Tuesday, December 2, 2008

November 28th

And it's GONE!! Our very first lost tooth. Charlie was the lucky one to have lost the first tooth and he was so excited. It had been a little wiggly for a while but when he got up this morning he proceeded to pull it out. I guess we are not going to have to worry about him leaving them in hanging. Charlie then left his tooth and the tooth fairy graciously left him $5.00 and a gold dollar coin. I guess it will be raining teeth at our house soon??

Monday, December 1, 2008

November 27th

Happy Thanksgiving!! The boys and I were lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving at my family's lake house. We headed down on Wednesday night and spent the night at Jenny's house and then headed over to the lake house on Thanksgiving morning for lunch with the family. It was a nice break to getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city life and spend time on the lake being thankful. I asked each of the boys what they were thankful for this year and here were their answers: Cameron: the Wii and family.... Charlie: the puppy and family.... Nicholas: family.

Of course being the smart lady I am - I did not take any action shots of the adults eating.

Jenny, Mom and Me





All the kids

Thursday, November 20, 2008

November 20th

Today was the boys Thanksgiving day at school. Charlie was instructed to wear his adorable Turkey shirt that he had painted earlier in the month and then once at school he added his Indian headdress. Then Cameron and Nicholas had made Indian outfits. They came home with war paint on their faces and and singing the Indian War Cry....



Mommy and her three loves

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 9th

Well October was a pretty busy month and so I was slacking in the blogging and I apologize. It has been crazy with festivals, carnivals and school. So after I brought home little Roxie home Charlie totally feel in love with her and has taken to her so well. They are like best friends. They even nap together. I will be better at keeping up with the blog I promise ;)

Monday, October 13, 2008

October 10th

It's a girl!!! As the mother of three boys and a older child (34 years old ha ha) I go through girl withdrawals on a regular basis.. Also I guess when you go through menopause at age 33 you start having that last desire for a baby so what do I do to fulfill that void.... yep I add another baby. A puppy - Roxie. She is a papillion (pap-ee-on) she will not be very big when she grows up and I hope she will be my little one although Charlie is extremely attached to her. I truly believe he thinks I bought her for him. So we now have 3 dogs, 4 cats and some frogs and a very insane Mommy.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

October 5th

Since Richard was able to get a day off work on a weekend, his mother and him decided to take the boys down to Calera to the pumpkin patch. This pumpkin patch is unique in the fact you get to ride a real train out to the pumpkin patch. So off the boys went and I was allowed a day to go shopping alone which happens very rarely. They really had fun with face painting and they were allowed to each pick their own very large pumpkin.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

September 26th

I am sure this will not be my last post about casts and boys and my life!! But today was the day I took Cameron to get his cast on his arm. He picked orange since that was Mommy's favorite color (wonder if that has anything to do with Auburn?). When we first got to Children's Hospital I thought it would go like every other appointment we have had there and we would be done within an hour and on our way. That was not so.. we were first called backed to a room with a beautiful aquarium where we were told we were going to have more x-rays. I asked to speak to the doctor about why he was ordering more x-rays when at the emergency room they told us we were not going to have to. Of course they would not let me and only let me talk to the head nurse who let me tell you was not friendly at all. So off we went for more x-rays. They then moved us to another room waiting for a little while. We were then carted off to yet another room with another beautiful aquarium (knowing that aquariums are used to makes patients and parents less stressed in waiting rooms) it was really making me mad. There was no way little fish swimming around water was making me less stressed while I felt like Cameron and I were swimming around little rooms in the ortho clinic. Then you will NOT believe what happened next - a nurse comes in the room and says who is next? I said are you for real? You are going to start a brawl in the waiting room if you start letting the patients and their parents decide who goes when... OMG this had to be one of the most frustrating appointments yet.. And yes I am sure the fact my adrenal gland is shutting down (different post) does not help the situation. It took 4 hours but luckily Cameron only has to wear the cast for 2 weeks. I sure hope that it does not take another 4 hours to take it off.

Friday, September 26, 2008

September 21st

When I asked the boys where they wanted their birthday party this year, Cameron and Charlie both said Pump It Up and Nicholas said bowling. Well when you are a triplet you learn the 2/3 rule early in life and you have to go with the vote that has 2. So I booked a party at Pump It Up. The only available time was 4:45 on Sunday afternoon. This worked out well since Richard could not get off work. We decided to serve pizza, cupcakes and ice cream. So we invited all their friends from preschool and they each got to invite one friend from their current class. Pump It Up has always been a favorite of ours and it extremely fun for the adults and children. That is until some breaks their arm - yep I said breaks their arm. Who could it be other than one of the birthday boys themselves - Cameron. Such a strong boy he did not want to leave the party so he just nursed his arm until the party ended and then he and I ran off to the hospital for x-rays and a splint. Now I guess this is one of those moments that we will always remember that Cameron broke his arm at his 6th birthday party. Oh how I wish I had gone with Nicholas's idead of bowling!

Cameron Sliding!
Charlie getting off the slide in his own style!
Richard Zach and Andy
Kristi and Lori
When Cameron broke his arm!!
Mommy holding Cameron
The party kids!
Cameron in the throne... holding ice on his arm
The kids enjoying pizza
The individual birthday cakes
We need stock in these things
Happy Birthday to Charlie!
Happy Birthday to Nicholas!
Happy Birthday Cameron!
The Birthday Boys