Tuesday, July 29, 2008

July 29th

Alright I had a very nostalgic day today. Can you believe we are officially parents of school aged children? I actually spent the afternoon registering the boys for kindergarten. And when I say I spent the afternoon it is not an understatement. I left work early and drove down to the elementary school and when I got there the line was unbelievable. After 2 hours in line I finally was up there - with my birth certificates, social security cards, immunization cards, proof of residency and of course our "donation" of $95.00 .

Not believing that I would ever be sad to see my boys start kindergarten - I think I might be choking on those words on August 13th as just registering them in this big school stirred some emotions in me. I guess I might end up as one of those moms watching their kids go off to kindergarten through the tears in their eyes.

So what does it take to get three kindergarteners started for school? Here is what I purchased just for the school supplies requested by the teacher:
36 #2 pencils
3 packs of colored pencils
12 - 8ct CRAYOLA crayons
12 - 24ct CRAYOLA crayons
6 packs of CRAYOLA classic thick washable markers
12 black dry erase markers
6 pair of Fiskars 5" sharp scissors
6 bottles of Elmers School Glue
30 Elmers glue sticks
6 greg ruled steno books
6 plastic pockets GREEN folders
6 pencil pouches
90 sheet protectors top loading
144 gallon ziploc bags
144 quart ziploc bags
6 waterless hand sanitizers
6 rolls of paper towels
6 containers of Clorox Wipes
6 containers of baby wipes
6 kleenex tissues

And I am sure there will be much more to buy plus any homework supplies.. talk about a cart full. When I checked out at Walmart - the lady asked me if I was buying for a classroom because I could get tax free - I said no just starting 3 kids to school.


Nuge said...

Wow! That picture is a great visual! That is amazing! ~ Becky Nguyen