Sunday, April 6, 2008

March 31st

When you have three boys there is ALWAYS excitement in store for you. We are learning this almost every week and so is our health insurance and I believe that we are on first name basis with some of the nurses and doctors at the hospital. So here is the story: Cameron, Charlie and Nicholas were riding their bikes and Daddy told them to head to the front door across the yard- get off their bikes and walk them down the driveway. Well sometimes Daddy forgets that Cameron does not do so well with multiple line instructions so off he goes through the yard. Across my flower bed and right off the retaining wall onto his face! So scary! As you can see below the retaining wall is a very high wall. Luckily - there were no bones broken or anything. How resilient are these little ones.....

The retaining wall - the winner!

Cameron a day after the major wreck off the wall.