Monday, January 7, 2008

January 7th

Well when you work full time and get home in time for dinner - bath -bed. Pictures are going to be difficult. So tonight I introduce to the other members of our family . Our family of cats......

This is Figaro - she joined me back in 1993 when I was a student at Auburn and has been an AWESOME pet.. She means so much to me! She is 14 years old and holding strong although she is slowing down some this year.

This is Samantha (Sam) - we rescued her while shopping for Halloween Costumes in 1998. She was flea infested and very tiny. She is totally Richard's cat. Every night she lays across his legs as we watch TV together. She never sleeps with us (unless I am out of town and then she gets in the bed with Richard). She is 9 years old.

This is Sushi - better known as Cameron's cat. She joined our family in 2006 when a therapist thought it might be a good thing for Cameron to have a pet of his own (we already had 4) to help him cope with some of the autistic traits that hurt socializing with children like him. I think she knew this from the beginning because she is VERY attached to Cameron. She sleeps on his bed every day (even though there are 3 beds in the room exactly alike). She has a great little personality (although Sam and Figaro might disagree).